Friday, July 3, 2009

Sophia Bush Is No Gym Rat!

Sophia Bush has a fantastic body, clearly. But, she says she doesn't suffer to stay in shape. She's one actress who enjoys being healthy but won't live in the gym to have the perfect figure.

"As I'm getting older, I appreciate being healthy for the way that I feel, you know for being able to get through a sixteen hour day which is easier when you're body is functioning properly.  But I'm not one of those crazies who's in the gym everyday.  I think its really strange with people saying, 'this is my daily regimen and this is my diet and this is my crazy weight loss tip.'  it informs a side of physical obsession that I really don't think is healthy, especially for the young girls who watch our show,"

"I love food, you know, my family is Italian. I can't get enough of it.  I love bread and cheese and pasta and good wine and all of it really.  But I try to eat something green once a day."


That sounds like a good, balanced approach to looking at things. Sophia is beautiful, and it's good to know that she's not starving herself, like some actresses do, just to try and make it in the industry.

Photos by INF.

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