Friday, July 3, 2009

Afternoon Links

Lady Gaga signs autographs for fans in Ireland, and as usual, pushes the envelope with her fashion choices. What do you think of her crazy outfit?

Check out what my cyber friends are writing about.

Wow, Jermaine Jackson gives a really heartbreaking interview about his brother. (Popeater)

Princess Beatrice shows off a new slimmer figure. (Fitceleb) 

Cristiano Ronaldo goes nuts on a fan who was taping him. (Celebitchy)

The Pussycat Dolls look sexy in Blender! (Derek Hail)

Debbie Rowe is fighting for custody of her kids with Michael Jackson. (ICYDK)

Do you love or hate Britney Spears' new Radar music video? (Popbytes)

Cheryl Cole wears a very daring outfit for her birthday. (Popoholic)

Beth Ditto launches her clothing line for Evans. (Holy Moly)

Gisele Bundchen has the best celebrity butt in the world. (Cityrag)

Zac Efron and Megan Fox??? What about Vanessa Hudgens! (The Blemish)

Eva Longoria supports Mexico...she isn't afraid of Swine Flu! (Lossip)

Is it wrong of Ok Magazine to have published Michael Jackson's last photo? (Polls B)

Photos by INF.

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